Quantum software stack
Quantum computing at TGCC
Quantum computing at TGCC is made available through an offer of hardware, today including emulators and simulators, and a comprehensive software stack.
This quantum service can be used to emulate quantum problems on cluster nodes or on Qaptiva emulator, and to execute quantum programs on Pasqal QPU.
On the hardware side, apart from compute nodes that can be used to emulate quantum systems, we provide a Qaptiva emulator (a dedicated hardware to quantum emulation) as well as a physical QPUs from Pasqal.
To run quantum algorithms, we provide a comprehensive software stack, notably including myQLM (with many features from digital to analog quantum computing, and to target Qaptiva), Pulser (to emulate and use Pasqal hardware) and Perceval (to emulate Quandela hardware). This software environment is set up in a container image to ease its use (ccc-quantum).
Connection and environment
The quantum software stack is provided in a container image called ccc-quantum which can be started on a login node or interactively on a compute node with the command below:
pcocc-rs run ccc-quantum
It is possible to launch directly this image on a compute node with the following command, or to submit a batch script containing this command:
ccc_mprun -C ccc-quantum -p <partition> -c <number of cores> python3 <script.py>
If you need to emulate large quantum problems outside of Qaptiva, it is strongly advised to work on a compute node and not on the login nodes that are not designed to launch computation and have limited resources.
All quantum computing resources are accessed via the ccc-quantum container.
ccc-quantum container image provides a series of quantum computing libraries mandatory to use the available hardware as well as popular quantum computing libraries. This list of libraries includes, but is not limited to:
- myQLM
- Pulser and Pulser-myQLM binding
- Perceval
This environment also includes tutorials that can all be found in /opt/tutorials. It is strongly advised to copy locally (on your $HOME directory or on your $CCCWORKDIR) to use these tutorials and keep your modifications.
Graphical Environment
To launch Jupyter notebooks, first allocate a remote desktop environment on a visualization node using ccc_visu. To access the cluster, please refer to the Interactive access section. For example:
$ ccc_visu virtual -p partition
Once logged in to the remote desktop environment, launch a terminal and start the container:
$ pcocc-rs run ccc-quantum
Within the container, copy the training notebooks to your home directory, for example:
$ cp -r /opt/tutorials/myqlm $HOME/myqlm_notebooks
Launch jupyter (a firefox window will open):
$ cd $HOME/myqlm_notebooks
$ jupyter notebook
Jupyter notebooks dedicated to training are available in the ccc-quantum container.
Once you are comfortable with writing software using myQLM, you can submit your quantum jobs to a Qaptiva machine instead of running them locally. The Qaptiva devices are optimized for running programs with a large number of qubits. The connection settings has to be skipped as the configuration is already done in the ccc-quantum container.
One environment, different use cases
The quantum software stack provided within ccc-quantum can be used to emulate both digital (gate-based) and analog quantum systems.
- By using the free API of myQLM or the default quantum computing libraries provided (Pulser, Perceval), it is possible to emulate locally on a node a quantum system. In this case, it is strongly advised to use a compute node, for a better usage of TGCC computing resources.
- By using Qaptiva Access or a dedicated library binding, it is possible to emulate quantum system by harnessing the computing power of the Qaptiva appliance. Qaptiva appliance both offers dedicated hardware with lots of resources (namely, memory) to emulate quantum systems and optimized functions yelding faster computations.
- Lastly, Qaptiva Access can also be used to submit jobs on physical QPUs.
Each of these use cases will be discussed in the following sections.
- myQLM is an open-source quantum software stack for quantum programs, provided by Eviden.
- QLM is the former name of the hardware dedicated to running quantum emulation.
- Qaptiva now encompass the hardware and software appliances dedicated to quantum emulation.
- Qaptiva Access (also known as QLMaaS) is the interface users can queue quantum jobs with on Qaptiva hardware or on physical QPUs.
Examples: basic programs
The following examples will show how to use the provided software stack on a compute node.
To launch tutorials provided in /opt/tutorial please refer to the Graphical Environment section.
This simple program explores a simple case of digital (gate-based) quantum programming, with the application of multiple Hadamard (H) and CNOT gates using myQLM on a qubit state. The theoretical probability is 0.25 for the state 000, 001, 110 and 111.
from qat.lang.AQASM import Program, H, CNOT
# Create a Program
qprog = Program()
# Number of qubits
nbqubits = 3
# Allocate some qubits
qubits = qprog.qalloc(nbqubits)
# Apply some quantum Gates
qprog.apply(H, qubits[0])
qprog.apply(CNOT, qubits[0], qubits[1])
qprog.apply(CNOT, qubits[1], qubits[2])
qprog.apply(H, qubits[2])
# Export this program into a quantum circuit
circuit = qprog.to_circ()
# Import one Quantum Processor Unit Factory
from qat.qpus import PyLinalg
# Create a Quantum Processor Unit
qpu = PyLinalg()
# Create job and submit it
job = circuit.to_job(nbshots=10000)
result = qpu.submit(job)
# Print results
for sample in result:
print("The state {} have a probability measured equal to {}".format(sample.state, sample.probability))
As you can see, increasing the number of shots tends towards the theoretical result.
More example programs are provided in the official QLM documentation. Official tutorials from myQLM are also available directly within ccc-quantum container image at /opt/tutorials/myqlm.
This is a simple example of analog computing with Pulser. This example, adapted from the official Pulser documentation, shows how to create an antiferromagnetic state.
import numpy as np
import pulser
import qutip
from pulser_simulation import QutipEmulator
# Setup
L = 8
Omega_max = 2.3 * 2 * np.pi
U = Omega_max / 2.3
delta_0 = -3 * U
delta_f = 1 * U
t_rise = 2000
t_fall = 2000
t_sweep = (delta_f - delta_0) / (2 * np.pi * 10) * 5000
# Define a register: a ring of atoms distanced by a blockade radius distance:
R_inter = pulser.MockDevice.rydberg_blockade_radius(U)
coords = (R_interatomic / (2 * np.tan(np.pi / L))
* np.array([
(np.cos(theta * 2 * np.pi / L), np.sin(theta * 2 * np.pi / L))
for theta in range(L)]))
reg = pulser.Register.from_coordinates(coords, prefix="atom")
reg.draw(blockade_radius=R_inter, draw_half_radius=True, draw_graph=True)
# Define a pulse sequence
rise = pulser.Pulse.ConstantDetuning(pulser.RampWaveform(t_rise, 0.0, Omega_max), delta_0, 0.0)
sweep = pulser.Pulse.ConstantAmplitude(Omega_max, pulser.RampWaveform(t_sweep, delta_0, delta_f), 0.0)
fall = pulser.Pulse.ConstantDetuning(pulser.RampWaveform(t_fall, Omega_max, 0.0), delta_f, 0.0)
seq = pulser.Sequence(reg, pulser.MockDevice)
seq.declare_channel("ising", "rydberg_global")
seq.add(rise, "ising")
seq.add(sweep, "ising")
seq.add(fall, "ising")
# Emulate the system locally
sim = QutipEmulator.from_sequence(seq, sampling_rate=0.1)
results = sim.run(progress_bar=True)
# Retrieve the results
n_samples = 1000
counts = results.sample_final_state(n_samples)
large_counts = {k: v for k,v in counts.items() if v > 5}
Examples can be found in the official Pulser documentation. The official tutorials (from the GitHub repository) are also available at /opt/tutorials/pulser/.
Examples can be found in the official Perceval documentation. The official tutorials (from the GitHub repository) are also available at /opt/tutorials/perceval/.
Using Qaptiva
From compute nodes to Qaptiva
Using myQLM you can access libraries and tools dedicated to quantum programming. These programs will use pyLinalg as the QPU, a Python-based linear algebra library. Jobs can be submitted on any regular compute node.
Using Qaptiva Access, you will be able to use the Qaptiva hardware appliance, which is also a gateway to physical QPUs. Qaptiva hardware appliance can emulate up to 40 exact qubits. It has an internal queueing system, and all jobs submitted to the appliance will be executed asynchronously. Its hardware specifications are available below:
- 24 TB of RAM
- 16 A30 GPU with 24GB of vRAM
- 384 Intel Cascade Lake 2.4GHz
The same goes for Pulser; Qutip emulation will be used on a compute node but the capabilities of Qaptiva hardware appliance can be used.
We recommend using myQLM on a compute node to learn about quantum computing. Once you feel confortable with the concepts, Qaptiva allows to emulate more qubits. Then, real simulation can be run using the Pasqal machine (Pasqal QPU).
Digital quantum computing
To use Qaptiva appliance in the Qaptiva Access mode, you simply have to change the emulated QPU used, from qat.qpus.PyLinalg to qlmaas.qpus.LinAlg. Since jobs are executed asynchronously, their completion has to be checked before actually using the results.
The example provided in myQLM example can be rewritten:
from qat.lang.AQASM import Program, H, CNOT
# Create a Program
qprog = Program()
# Number of qubits
nbqubits = 3
# Allocate some qubits
qubits = qprog.qalloc(nbqubits)
# Apply some quantum Gates
qprog.apply(H, qubits[0])
qprog.apply(CNOT, qubits[0], qubits[1])
qprog.apply(CNOT, qubits[1], qubits[2])
qprog.apply(H, qubits[2])
# Export this program into a quantum circuit
circuit = qprog.to_circ()
# Import one Quantum Processor Unit Factory
from qlmaas.qpus import LinAlg
# Create a Quantum Processor Unit
qpu = LinAlg()
# Create job and submit it
job = circuit.to_job(nbshots=10000)
asynchronous_result = qpu.submit(job)
# Wait for the job to complete
result = asynchronous_result.join()
# Print results
for sample in result:
print("The state {} have a probability measured equal to {}".format(sample.state, sample.probability))
Using GPUs
As Qaptiva appliance comes with GPUs, it is possible to use this units to accelerate the emulation. the qlmaas.qpus.LinAlg constructor takes an argument use_GPU that can be set to True to be executed on GPU. The default is False.
More details can be found in the dedicated documentation on GPU acceleration feature in QLM.
It is possible to emulate quantum system designed with Pulser on Qaptiva. To do so, you need to use:
- AnalogQPU from myQLM, that allows to emulate an analog QPUs
- IsingAQPU from Pulser-myQLM binding, that translates a Pulser quantum system to an object that can be used by Qaptiva.
The quantum system will then be executed on Qaptiva and the result will be a myQLM object.
The last part of the example provided in Pulser example can be rewritten as follows:
from pulser_myqlm import IsingAQPU
from qlmaas.qpus import AnalogQPU
# Create an analog QPU, convert the sequence to a Qaptiva job and run
aqpu = AnalogQPU(n_step=1000)
qpu = IsingAQPU.from_sequence(seq, qpu=aqpu)
job = IsingAQPU.convert_sequence_to_job(seq, nbshots=0)
res = qpu.submit(job)
# Retrieve the results
dict_res = {sample.state: sample.probability for sample in res if sample.probability > 0005}
More examples can be found in the official tutorials (from the GitHub repository), also available at /opt/tutorials/pulser-myqlm/.