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A new HPC modular infrastructure

This new facility has been built in 2021.

A new concept of modular datacentre infrastructure for high performance computing

More rapidly deployed and extensible than a classical building, a joint CEA-ATOS project, it is comprised of 72 containers prepared at the factory. It hosts a ATOS XH2000 supercomputer, pre-assembled at ATOS factory, with blades inserted in the containerised racks on premise.

A more rapidly deployed solution

  • Standardised modules
  • Prepared at the factory
  • Assembled on premise

A generic building block, or module, comprises of 4 prefabricated elements, 2 for IT service and 2 for technical service, for a power capacity of 2.5 MW max.

A ‘slice’ (see below) is an independant half-module, whose failure does not impact the rest of the system, not even the other slide in the same module. Self-contained local technical equipment in slices makes extra power and cooling redundancy unnecessary.

Compute building block = module

  • 1 module = 2 slices = 4 containers ( 2 IT containers + 2 technical equipment containers)
  • 2.5 MW (2MW for IT)
  • Slice = ½ independant half module
  • No power supply nor cooling N+1 redundancy
  • Incident impact limited to a ½ module