Lustre Administrators and Developers Workshop
EOFS and OpenSFS are organizing the eigthth european lustre workshop, Lustre Administrator and Developer Workshop. It will take place in Paris, at Hôtel Marriott Champs Elysées, during 2 days, the 24th-25th september 2018.
This will be a great opportunity for LustreTM worldwide administrators and developers to gather and exchange their experiences, developments, tools, good practices and more.
13th TERATEC Forum, June 19 & 28, 2018
The TERATEC Forum is a major event in France and Europe that brings together the best international experts in HPC, Simulation and Big Data. It reaffirms the strategic importance of these technologies for developing industrial competitiveness and innovation capacity.
The TERATEC Forum welcomes more than 1 300 attendees, highlighting the technological and industrial dynamism of HPC and the essential role that France plays in this field. The participation and the testimony of senior industrial and ICT leaders, the diversity and the high level of the technical workshops, the representativeness of exhibitors and innovation offers displayed, are assets for all responsible concerned by simulation and high-performance computing.
CEA DAM Île-de-France was represented as usual.

© Atos
CEA uses Atos simulator at the CCRT to explore the potential of quantum computing in industry
The Centre de Calcul Recherche et Technologie (CCRT), located at the CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) center in Bruyères-le-Châtel, and Atos, global leader in digital transformation, are collaborating to provide CCRT's industrial users with one of the most powerful quantum simulators in the world. Built by Atos, the machine will allow partners such as EDF, Safran, IFPEN, and the CEA itself to evaluate the potential of quantum technologies with regard to their specific needs.

Atos, leader international de la transformation digitale, et la Direction des applications militaires du CEAtos, an international leader in digital transformation, and the CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission)’s direction of defense applications (CEA/DAM) place Tera 1000 – a supercomputer they developed together for defense and nuclear deterrence uses – among the world’s 500 most powerful machines. Reaching the 14th position, Tera 1000 thus becomes the most powerful European general-purpose supercomputer, with a computing power of 25 petaflops and a very competitive power consumption of 4 MegaWatts.A (CEA/DAM) placent Tera 1000 – supercalculateur co-développé pour les besoins de la Défense et de la dissuasion nucléaire – en 14ème position dans le classement mondial « Top 500 » des machines les plus puissantes au monde.
Summer schools are intended for researchers, engineers and PhD students. They allow them to review the state of progress of the proposed subjects and to confront their experience. The teaching is done in English. It is complemented by practical works, hosted by assistants.
- Numerical analysis, from June 25 to June 29, 2018
- Computer science, from July 2 to July 6, 2018