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August 2020
Joliot-Curie against the coronavirus

Since April 2020, Joliot-Curie supercomputer has been providing priority access to a large part of its computing resources to European research teams to participate in the fight against the new coronavirus.

LEGI, CORIA, IMAG, the University of Vermont and SafranTech have run a 10 million hour Grand Challenge on the TGCC / Joliot-Curie "Rome". The aim is to characterize the dynamics and evolution of microdroplets and aerosols that can be ejected and kept in suspension after a sneeze, cough or just by breathing. This should make it possible to assess the risks of inhalation by healthy individuals and therefore the risks of contamination by the coronavirus according to various parameters (relative position of individuals, environment, effects of protection, ventilation, etc.).

Joliot-Curie TGCC
Joliot-Curie supercomputers, TGCC @CEA
29 june 2020
Joliot-Curie: the most powerful supercomputer dedicated to research in France

Atos, a global leader in digital transformation, and GENCI, the French national high-performance computing organization, and the CEA, reveal that Joliot-Curie supercomputer with its 22 petaflop/s peak computing power is the most powerful supercomputer in France dedicated to academic and industrial open research, and the third most powerful research computer in Europe, according to the TOP500 ranking published on 22 June 2020.

Grands Challenges Joliot-Curie 2021
Joliot-Curie supercomputers, TGCC @CEA
28 april 2020
GENCI, CEA, CPU and Atos arm European scientists against COVID19 with HPC facilities.

Two of the most powerful supercomputers in France, Joliot-Curie, operated at the CEA’s supercomputing center (TGCC), and Occigen, operated at CPU’s supercomputing center (CINES), are providing urgent computing access to large computer resources to European research teams involved in the fight against COVID-19.